Radiant Alignment
As with all complimentary and alternative therapies, the treatments and energy activations in my website, manuals and descriptions are in no way intended to replace proper diagnosis, treatment or care from your medical doctor. I do not diagnose, heal, cure or treat disease; nor do I prescribe medication. I help people correct energetic imbalances in their bio-field which assists the body to return to its natural healed state (self-healing). Concerns about your medical or psychological conditions should be addressed by a medical doctor or psychologist.
I am a Spiritual Minister and as such my work is spiritually based. I make no guarantees, warranties or promises about results of my work of the energy or coaching work. The energy work helps many people but as with all modalities, results vary with the individual. I do not accept responsibility if you choose to treat yourself using any information from my website or training manuals. I accept no responsibility for any loss or damages caused as a direct or indirect result of the use or misuse of any information contained on this website or through energy, healing or coaching work.